If Status Reports are being received, but no photo/videos, the issue is most likely one of the following:
- Problem with SD card
- Low signal
- Low battery
To properly test, verify the following Camera Settings by launching your Scoutek app and navigating to the Cameras page. From there select the camera's settings option ().
- Upload Interval = Real Time
- Trigger Delay = 15 Seconds
Also, verify the following Mobile Setting by launching your Scoutek app and navigating to the Mobile Settings page.
- Download Photos on WiFi only = Unchecked (as desired)
In order to determine issue with SD card, the following is suggested:
- Refresh Scoutek app, open the last status report, verify SD Card Size is not listed as 0 M, and SD Card Free displays available space. Next, you can:
- Reformat SD card, or
- Use new SD card
Formatting SD Card:
Remotely / over-the-air:
If the camera is still able to send status reports, you can format remotely/over-the-air via the Scoutek app.
Launch your Scoutek app and navigate to the Cameras page. From there, select the Actions button and choose Format SD Card.
Manual Update:
To format the SD card with the camera in hand:
- Power camera off.
- Flip switch down to Offline mode.
- Press and hold reset button (approx. 10 seconds) until all internal LEDs flash green.
- Power camera off.
- Power camera online as usual.
- When powering the camera back online, make sure none of the internal LEDs are red.
Please be aware, in some cases, corrupt data on the SD card can prevent the camera from powering on. If this case, the SD card would need to be formatted via a computer.