If Status Reports are being received, but no photo/videos, the issue is most likely one of the following:
- Low signal
- Low battery
- No SD card in the camera
- Problem with SD card
To properly test, verify the following Camera Settings by launching your Scoutek app and navigating to the Cameras page. From there select the camera's settings option
- Upload Interval = Real Time
- Trigger Delay = 15 Seconds
Also, verify the following Mobile Setting by launching your Scoutek app and navigating to the Mobile Settings page.
- Download Photos on WiFi only = Unchecked (as desired)
In order to determine issue with SD card, the following is suggested:
- Refresh Scoutek app, open the last status report, verify SD Card Size is not listed as 0 M, and SD Card Free displays available space. Next, you can:
- Format SD card, or
- Use new SD card
Formatting SD Card:
Remotely / over-the-air:
If the camera is still able to send status reports, you can format remotely/over-the-air via the Scoutek app.
Launch your Scoutek app and navigate to the Cameras page. From there, select the Actions button and choose Format SD Card.
Manual Update:
To format the SD card with the camera in hand:
- Slide the camera to test mode
- Press and hold the "F" button for about 5 seconds
- Confirm all 4 LED's turn red
- Your SD card has been successfully formatted
If you are still not receiving photos/videos after formatting / replacing the SD card, please be sure you have plenty signal as well as enough battery life (at least over 30%).