If you have recently activated the device, it could take the wireless carrier several hours to process the activation. However, if it has been over 24 hours, please reach out to us at support@scoutek.com.
Verify the following:
- SIM and micro SD card are properly inserted into the camera
- The micro SD card is the correct size for your camera (up to 32GB micro)
- The micro SD card has been formatted
- Battery level is sufficient
- Camera is active in Scoutek account
- The antenna is screwed on finger-tight
- Switch the camera to test mode
- Verify the camera’s LED connection lights (see chart inside of camera for reference)
- Refresh Scoutek app (black refresh icon in the top right of the home page)
Verify the following Camera Settings by launching your Scoutek app and navigating to the Cameras page. From there select the camera's settings option
- Upload Interval = Real Time
- Trigger Delay = 15 Seconds
Verify the following Mobile Setting by launching your Scoutek app and navigating to the Mobile Settings page.
- Download Photos on WiFi only = Unchecked (as desired)
Additional Tips:
- Do not use any micro SD card over 32GB.
- Do not power camera on in a metal building or near other electronics.
If you are still not receiving photo uploads you may want to format the SD card in the camera, power cycle the camera (turn off and on), or try a new SD card.
If you have attempted all the above steps and the camera is still not working, please email us at support@scoutek.com and we will be happy to help troubleshoot.