Note: If you have purchased a used camera, you should verify the previous owner has removed the camera from their Scoutek account via the Equipment Center. If they have not, you will be unable to register the camera under your account.
Launch your Scoutek app. Select Register New Camera. Select Scan QR Code. Slide the camera to set up mode and a QR code will automatically get generated. Using your phone’s camera, scan QR code displayed on the LCD screen. Once the QR code has scanned, simply give your camera a name and click Register Camera. You will have the option to register another camera or proceed to activation.
If you are unable to scan the QR code and are manually inputting, for instance on the computer, select “Scoutek Certified Camera,” enter a camera name, IMEI, and ICCID. Click register and either register another camera or proceed to activation.
* Find the IMEI and ICCID by sliding the camera to setup mode, select the last icon at the top, scroll down until you find registration code, press ok, and there you will see the model/IMEI/ICCID.